Thursday, July 4, 2013

CrossFit Solstice Summer Throwdown

On June 22nd CrossFit Solstice hosted the 2013 Summer Solstice Throwdown. This was a fitness competition for members only. These were the first two events for the day:

Performed with a 12min running clock:

1.A - 2min
1min AMRAP Pull-ups 
1min Rest
AMRAP means as many reps as possible. If you can't do a pull-up there are weighted bands that assist you.

1.B - 3min
400m Sprint

1.C - 7min
3RM Front Squat
RM means rep maximum, or the most amount of weight you can do. 

8min AMRAP Ladder

3+3 Clean 135# (men)/95# (women)
5+5 Wall Ball 20# (men)/14# (women)
When I first started CrossFit I used YouTube nonstop. If you do not know what these are-look up a video.

These events were scored, and the top three men and women qualified for Event #3. All six men and women did amazing in the final event, and I was so proud of them. It was crazy to watch these six athletic individuals really struggle through the workout. However, they all stuck with it. My friends Talia and Pat were the winners of the day. 

The winners and top performers are only one small part of CrossFit though. One of the best parts of CrossFit is that even though you may not win, or even come in the top three, you can still leave feeling amazing. Here is how: It is all about setting and reaching INDIVIDUAL goals. I was jumping around just as excited as the first place finisher because I set a back squat personal record and did more pull-ups in a minute than I have ever done. 

A lot of people I talk to are intimated by CrossFit, but you don't have to be if you make it a competition with yourself; and do not waste negative energy making comparisons. For example, I was all smiles after Event #2 because a couple short months ago 95# was my maximum rep for a clean. Which means I could only do one! Five short months ago, I had no clue what a clean was and 95# sounded crazy to me. I could barely clean just the bar (so if you are thinking that-trust me you can do it)! I did not waste time thinking or worrying about my friend Holly who was flying past me. I was proud of her, remember the CrossFit Community! Also, the workouts on this day, just as everyday, were modified if needed so that everyone could complete them. Overall, it was an extremely exciting and motivating day! 

Strong is Beautiful!

 Top 3 Ladies!

Top 3 Men!

CrossFit Solstice Crew

1 comment:

  1. Theres always one that has to take his shirts off for the pic !
